Wednesday, November 12, 2014

First Emails from the MTC!!!

To my family and friends:
This place is nuts! And by nuts, I mean that in a good way. I thought my testimony was strong before, but now... whooooo. It's crazy how much I learned in a day, and it's unbelievable how much I learned in a week. I'm going to keep it short because I have other things to do, but I just wanted to let you all know (we can't say guys or dude or bro or anything like that... yeah, I'm suffering over here;) ) that I'm alive and well here at the MTC! Time flies when you feel the spirit, as well as your testimony just taking off. Keep writing! seriously, we feel very deprived of love from home whenever I run to go get the mail for my district (I'm District Leader here - so cool! :D ), and the only one that ever gets mail is Elder Holdaway. I mean he's cool but... he's hogging all the letters. Seriously. So tell everyone to write me! Or at least, send me their email so I can put it on my fwd list. :) Love you guys!

Elder Tapusoa :D
(or is it Sincerely? Eh, whatever)
We additionally got some other info:
It's crazy here! So many spiritual experiences, so many great people, and just... ugh, I love it.  There are average missionaries, then exceptional, and then there are LEGENDARY missionaries. Aw yeah, I think you know which one I want to be ;) love you guys! Oh, and as for the MTC food, Ether 14:18. I mean it's great, but seriously. It's a mess. :|

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